Her deliberate emphasis on the word "gentleman" did not escape Nicki, who suddenly threw back his head and laughed.
She saw him smile faintly in deliberate emphasis of what he understood and did not choose to acknowledge.
He let a moment pass, in deliberate emphasis, then answered, "My two best friends.
Lillian glanced sharply at Rearden's face, as if in deliberate emphasis.
Then the show's deliberate emphasis on imparting certain messages about family life may have become too heavy-handed, he said.
Yoda, as a non-native English speaker, may be doing this accidentally, not for deliberate emphasis.
Blanche said, with deliberate emphasis on the last word.
He's doing this through a deliberate slowing down, placing emphasis on the elegance of well-designed objects and drawings.
"Who know nothing of your treachery," Blakeney reiterated with deliberate emphasis.
When he resumed speaking, it was more slowly, and with a much more deliberate emphasis.