Is putting the word 'facts' in inverted commas a deliberate homage to EH Carr ?
T. S. Eliot stated that he adapted part of the Ritual in his 1935 verse play Murder in the Cathedral as a deliberate homage.
İn comics; Hellboy creator Mike Mignola makes a deliberate homage to John in his story The Crooked Man.
He is now in his 40s, with gray hair and a beard grown in deliberate homage to the late Captain Avatar.
The film also "tease[s]" monster movies, and the scenes in the paddle steamer were a deliberate homage to Alien.
The musically inclined might notice the use of a whole tone scale, a deliberate musical homage to another Monk - Thelonius!
If the "Meistersinger" mood is a deliberate homage, though, it indicates that Mahler's relationship to the German tradition may have been less complicated than critics have wanted to believe.
Midway through the film, there is also a deliberate homage to the "Hunting Trilogy" made popular by Chuck Jones, of whom Ford reportedly holds great admiration.
Mr. Ferre designed an imitation Versace gown - worn emphatically by Iman - as a deliberate homage.
Machines resembling Wells' Tripods are briefly seen attacking London, as a deliberate homage to War of the Worlds.