At least, the smallest amount of Maprotiline should be prescribed at one time to minimize the risk of deliberate overdose.
Accidental or deliberate overdose is not uncommon with opium tincture given the highly-concentrated nature of the solution.
Accidental or deliberate overdose is common with opium tincture given the highly concentrated nature of the solution.
Zainab passes out and is hospitalised, with her family believing she took a deliberate overdose.
He also regularly drew blood from him, and took away Keats' supply of laudanum for fear that he would take a deliberate overdose.
Decades ago, the common pills were barbiturates, which were addictive and led to many deaths from accidental or deliberate overdoses.
This characteristic makes depressants a common choice for deliberate overdoses in the case of suicide.
She had taken a deliberate overdose of sleeping pills and tranquilizers and left a suicide note on her piano.
So he gave the General a deliberate overdose of digitalis, to be taken later when Penberthy was not in attendance.
Some cases result from deliberate overdoses by people trying to commit suicide.