As it turned out, his wish was granted without any deliberate planning.
Without necessarily deliberate planning, society provides for the future.
The famous delay in delivering the message, he said, was probably the result of deliberate planning.
Perhaps through deliberate planning, there was no Lassan vegetation anywhere in sight; all the trees were hauntingly familiar.
Was it only a coincidence or the result of deliberate and clever planning?
What you see around you is the result of deliberate planning.
Which pathway is chosen may be historical accident, or it may be a matter of more deliberate planning by chemists.
It benefits beginnings and profit, or any situation where careful and deliberate planning is needed.
It was far less sporadic than the revolution of February and came about as the result of deliberate planning and coordinated activity to that end.
Corpus planning focuses on changes by deliberate planning to the actual corpus or shape of a language.