The monotony Was not, after all, a deliberate ploy to wear her down, as she'd first thought.
I didn't know if he was saying it out of compassion, or as a cruel and deliberate ploy to make us flap.
Making her tired had probably been a deliberate ploy.
This may have been coincidence or, as we noted earlier, a deliberate ploy to enhance his own standing.
Surely that is a deliberate ploy to fleece more money out of you for data transfer?
René probably thought this publicity was a deliberate ploy on his part.
'I'm afraid that was a deliberate ploy on my part,' he admitted.
It was a deliberate ploy by Forward to hit me below the belt.
This is a deliberate ploy to water down the meaning and impact of anti-semitism.
He claims it is a deliberate ploy to squeeze out weaker brokers.