Accidental or deliberate releases of pigs into countries or environments where they are an alien species have caused extensive environmental change.
The first two species are indigenous although new populations have appeared after deliberate releases and escapes from parks or farms.
The longstanding threat of bioterrorism turned real with the deliberate release of anthrax spores in 2001.
Within days, the deliberate release of anthrax spores through the postal system proved him wrong.
The hearings were much disrupted by the deliberate release of a flock of sheep in the courtroom.
We therefore urgently need to adopt the new framework legislation on the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms.
The next item is the continuation of the debate on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms.
Directive 2001/18/EC concerning the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms is in force.
Madam Commissioner, in your reply you referred to the directive on deliberate release - but that was not the question.
The rule is probably inapplicable to a deliberate release of the thing, the cause of action in that situation being trespass.