Although he had deliberately framed the words as a suggestion, the captain knew what would happen.
He unveiled a platform calling for more funding for education, an ethics commission, and a commission to revise Alabama's 1901 state constitution, which had been deliberately framed to disenfranchise blacks and poor whites.
So right away I knew she was being deliberately framed.
The real thief- Martin- is discovered at last and admits to having deliberately framed Julian.
I've been deliberately framed into this spot because I was a close friend of Donegan Marr once.
Hard-liners respond that that's the way the law was deliberately framed, giving priority to the needs of plaintiffs who were wronged.
At the proper time I will show that persons have deliberately framed a crime on this defendant and--" "Just a moment, just a moment," Caswell interrupted.
They can spin it until they create a new plane of gravity, it won't alter the fact that two people were brutally murdered, and an innocent civilian deliberately framed for it.
It was deliberately framed to target other proposals for copyright measures - the so-called '3 strikes'.
Many of the practices and events within carnival culture are deliberately and consciously framed to connect to a construct of African's that has resulted from over one hundred years of multicultural Cuban history.