Some, as above, were made out of artistic licence whilst others were deliberately inserted to confuse the issue of whether Sam Tyler was in a coma, mad or really back in time.
Bobby Baker, chief of the office of political programming at the Federal Communications Commission, said that if the word had been deliberately inserted that would be "an extraordinary development" and reflect "reckless" behavior.
Cliffhangers are also sometimes deliberately inserted by writers who are uncertain whether a new series or season will be commissioned, in the hope that viewers will demand to know how the situation is resolved.
"She had an insect deliberately inserted in her throat--- that hasn't been made public."
Five employees were charged; the paper responded by filing action with the police against two of its employees it believed had deliberately inserted the letter without approval, hoping to harm the media outlet.
A spokesman for the Duke has said that the clause was deliberately inserted in the lease and that he wanted to keep it in.
A backwards message was deliberately inserted into the album by The B-52's.
Some reactor poisons are deliberately inserted into fission reactor cores to control the reaction; boron or cadmium control rods are the best example.
And you would see that that server was now returning the fraudulent, deliberately inserted, replaced record from its cache.
It was not memory; it was information deliberately inserted in his mind, probably as a final device to impress him with the power of the Martians over matter-energy fntercon-versions.