Now, interestingly, I deliberately maintain some honeypot email accounts, and I have noticed a huge volume of subject lines "ACH Payment Cancelled" notices.
Ro was surprised that no Cardassians were in attendance, but given the current impasse in the peace negotiations between her world and theirs, perhaps they were deliberately maintaining a low profile.
'The small clubs deliberately maintain bad pitches to bring the big clubs down to their level,' said Gilmar.
We deliberately maintained an attitude of morbid fatalism, -which we punctuated with bursts of harsh, forced laughter, like machine-gun fire.
The grand jury concluded that Nynex deliberately maintained the MCI contract in violation of the consent decree.
Rhodan's double deliberately maintained a fragmentary train of thought.
Halloran deliberately maintained his own steady pace.
In the final analysis, however, we must realize that social injustice and unjust social structures exist only because individuals and groups of individuals deliberately maintain or tolerate them.
NHK deliberately maintains neutral reportings as a public broadcast station, even refuse to mention commodity brand names.
The report appeared to discount this, saying, "There were no indications that the crew of 007 deliberately maintained a constant magnetic heading."