The trial was deliberately staged in order to attract publicity to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, where it was held.
Each is deliberately staged, and in position, so in one, the rider is hanging from an invisible strap, in another, whispering to an absent friend.
It was deliberately staged (with the connivance of the BBC) to distract from the impact of the strikes and help out his mate, Cameron.
Everything in the room, including her, was deliberately staged for visual effect.
The sequence of rooms was deliberately staged, presenting the objects according to their materials.
This gala performance was deliberately staged to make the point.
A deleted scene (Staged deliberately for DVD purposes)
Test footage (Staged deliberately for DVD purposes)
Photograph galleries (Staged deliberately for DVD purposes)
She notes that an encounter lending itself to melodrama, a lovers' quarrel at the end of which the woman faints, is deliberately staged in a dull cement parking garage with grocery bags as props.