Sound filled the cabin, some delicate arrangement of strings and woodwinds Teresa didn't recognize.
Such a delicate arrangement was not likely to survive a free election.
The spread of capitalist meritocracy in the 19th and 20th centuries eventually dealt this delicate arrangement a devastating blow.
Spinulosids completely lack pedicellariae and have a delicate skeletal arrangement.
Angelos worked with the Clinton administration to make the delicate arrangements that enabled the Cubans to travel here and play in Baltimore.
The gardens range from cornfields to delicate floral arrangements to the casitas, or little houses, favored in Spanish neighborhoods.
Several officials acknowledged that they were reluctant to say much in public out of fear that a single slip could blow apart delicate arrangements.
Most species in this order lack pedicellariae and all have a delicate skeletal arrangement with small or no marginal plates on the disc and arms.
"I negotiated a rather delicate arrangement with the estate,"Julian said, following her through the doorway.
So it would be a delicate arrangement.