He stared at the water for a moment, eyeing its hue, then sniffed its delicate bouquet.
There are more powerful gangster movies than this, but I don't know of one with a more complex or a more delicate bouquet.
Chilled briefly, Lacrimarosa yields a delicate floral bouquet and subtle, spicy flavors.
"If one has the palate for such a delicate bouquet."
She was fascinated by a "strangely moving photograph of a delicate funeral bouquet" that had been preserved in the tomb of Tutankhamen.
Taking delicate bouquets onto the plane may prove a bit more complicated.
Finally she sat back, savouring the delicate bouquet of the sparkling wine.
Their joy was bright and rich, like a bouquet of scarlet roses, proud and delicate.
What a pity, it would spoil the piquant flavor and the delicate bouquet.
It is noted for a pleasant velvety taste, a delicate bouquet and inimitable piquancy.