Her skin had the delicate coloring of an apple blossom.
These two works showcase Taddeo's superior talents, exhibiting delicate coloring and vast human expression; though, they have been painted over throughout the years.
The photographs are diffused and abstracted with an overlay of delicate coloring.
The tiny multipetaled daisies, with their delicate yellow-and-white coloring, were found from Alaska to the Gulf.
"Contemplativo," the first, played with delicate colorings and rhapsodic expressivity, sounds like Ravel, ingeniously updated - a succession of rolled chords with pungent out-of-focus harmonies.
She lacked the winsome expression, the long curls, and the delicate coloring that contemporary ideas of beauty dictated.
Observe its delicate green coloring, its exquisite shape.
A fleecy pink cloud drifted high above, trailing the delicate coloring of its image under the floating leaves and the silvery blossoms of the lotus.
Known for his subdued and delicate coloring, Lessore is said to have led a revolution in the decoration of pottery.
Both are minimalists, dancing without musical accompaniment, who endow the slightest gestures or moves with delicate dramatic coloring.