Among other first courses, a delicate feather dumpling was a nice touch in a rich, creamy carrot soup spiked with ginger.
She forced herself to observe the wonderfully delicate feathers on the bird's head.
She wore a jade necklace and a pair of rings with matching stones, and a golden outfit trimmed with the delicate feathers of some alien bird.
These feathers are the most soft and delicate feathers and come from underneath the bird's wings.
Gabriel said loudly enough to ruffle Mercy's delicate feathers.
They were like infinitely small birds fashioned of snowflakes; silent, ghostly, each tiny wing a filigree of five delicate feathers, all white.
In breeding plumage, delicate ornamental feathers are borne on the back.
Ms. Swartz's "Air Breath" mobile of delicate feathers, and the skeletons of tiny leaves is similarly captivating.
In addition, each horse had delicate black feathers decorating hoof and fetlock, that lifted like floating milkweed seed with each step.
There was a fringe of delicate feathers in a rainbow of colors around that face.