It winked at him, and stamped a delicate hoof on the concrete.
In late fall, elk come down from the mountains to pick their way across gravel bars toward the water, on hooves impossibly delicate beneath their thick bodies.
The delicate hooves spurned the ground, churning up thick clods of damp earth.
There was Mr. Mosley from down in Stores; one moment he was fine, but a breath later Jim found Mmself looking at an Andorian alicorne that paced calmly along on six delicate hooves, and paused once to polish its indigo horn against the creamy pelt of one flank.
They had curved horns, long strands of fur hanging to the ground like scraggly beards and strangely delicate hoofs.
In panic, the halfling looked down at herself Instead of her black vest, breeches, and furry feet, Olive discovered she was covered with short brown fur and had four delicate hooves.
One by one, the lamb's delicate hoofs fed the gods.
Moichi, glancing down, saw her delicate hooves treading the skein she had constructed with such delicacy that the web barely gave, even with their combined weight.
The delicate hoof had split, and by noon the animal was limping.