She tugged the delicate material clear of her bare feet and ran to the back of the mansion.
More-- one evening she went up to the east gable with her arms full of a delicate pale green material.
Due to the dimensions of such small samples, traditional loads and weights are too heavy as they would destroy delicate materials.
The delicate material tore with a long and sickening sound.
Specifically it is a useful reducing bleach for papers and delicate materials such as clothes.
The subtle aspects of Japanese paintings, which often include fine line work on delicate materials, could be lost or muted during reproduction.
The inner structure is lined with more delicate material.
Dealing with this delicate material, he is like someone trying to thread a needle while wearing boxing gloves.
So prized was this hard but delicate material that it was known as "white gold."
Raven reached down and tore the delicate material apart herself.