The creeping tendrils were the soft, delicate pink of a rose.
A delicate pink flushed her cheeks.
The old woman had been replaced by a young woman; her skin was smooth and creamy, blushing a delicate pink on her cheeks.
Most of the blossoms were in the lavender range, though she couldn't resist showing off a half-dozen of her delicate pinks.
A nebula shimmered with the delicate pink of birthing stars.
Some of them, Blake noticed, were in bloom with exotically beautiful blossoms, ranging from delicate pink to vivid scarlet.
That trick of staining the fishes' scales of a delicate pink is quite peculiar to China.
It is quite light now, but the delicate pinks and yellows of a tropical sunrise are obscured by a thick, black cloud of smoke.
The plant bears fleshy stems, kidney-shaped leaves, and attractive morning glory flowers with corollas delicate pink to vivid lavender.
It was 5.30am, and delicate pinks stretched across the eastern sky, adding an evocative touch to the tranquillity of dawn at sea.