These inks produced the delicate shading and subtle or dramatic effects of Chinese brush painting.
A choice others would consider trite, but she needed those long rolling phrases, those delicate shadings of strings to ease her tension.
The new style, called art needlework, emphasized flat patterns with delicate shading in satin stitch accompanied by a number of novelty stitches.
Often, too, Mr. Jose's language cannot keep up with the delicate shadings such an exercise demands.
Then comes the business of doodling little men on my memo pad, little men with delicate shading and intricate cross-hatching.
It was a fine day, and the sea wore delicate shadings of blue and green over most of its vast surface.
Solo performances of the unamplified classical guitar are more notable for delicate shadings than for robust projection, but put nine classical guitars together, and the sound changes.
Finchley and Braugh moved off, too-the three figures merging with the shadows with the delicate shadings of a misty fade-out.
The streets below were quiet then, and he could sit on his rooftop undisturbed and watch the delicate shadings of colors in the morning sky as the sun came up.
The double-basses were magnificent and capable of quite delicate shading.