It rose in a mass of soaring towers, delicate spires and graceful cupolas, crenelated walls bright with streaming banners.
Within the immense tractor beam, the delicate spires of the city's temples crumbled.
This magnificent, massive structure with its surprisingly delicate spires and sculptures was restored in the 70's and 80's, from near-black to near-white.
The building was a collection of bold and elegant curves, with delicate spires and a domed center.
The peak of the mountain was invisible in the sunken cloud cover, but he imagined it to be a delicate spire, like the mountains to the north.
The buildings were constructed in the ancient style; delicate spires rose into the crystal sky, light sparkled off the white domes.
On E.636, this is achieved through the uses of more delicate spires, so transitions (especially backward ones) need to be very slow and gradual.
Moonlight gleamed on delicate spires, fluted columns, and tall towers.
It had tall, delicate spires, broad shady avenues, and many parks and gardens.
It features a slate roof and rectangular steeple with delicate spire.