Tampering with a well-established food can be a delicate undertaking.
Planning your own murder is a delicate undertaking, requiring as much foresight and paperwork as that invested by some girls into their first weddings.
Making the best chocolate candies - truffles, bonbons, fruit-infused morsels - is a delicate artistic undertaking.
Such a fusion would be a delicate and dangerous undertaking.
It was a delicate undertaking, one that required rubberized protective jumpsuits, long tables of medical equipment and more than 224 gallons of formaldehyde.
These, forgive me,riffraff , are hardly suitable for such a delicate undertaking.
To this I readily assented, and he started on the delicate undertaking.
Maintaining the cease-fire was always considered a delicate undertaking.
But a fast-penta examination is a delicate undertaking.
A delicate undertaking, being "leader" of a group with no leaders-and not a position he would have chosen if it had not been forced upon him.