"And the delicious combinations are changing the way that younger people, like me, think about Japanese food."
More serious was cashew tart with caramel topping, a delicious combination.
Vibrancy and darkness pulsed in a delicious yet shivery combination under her fingertips.
It was a delicious combination, but at $10 the four meager bites left me wanting more.
With a robust red wine sauce, it is a delicious combination.
The result is a juicy, refreshing and delicious combination of hot and cold.
Rowury had come up with a delicious combination, the taste was subtle yet distinctive.
But all lean-to's, simple or fancy, share one essential quality: they offer a delicious combination of protection from and openness to the elements.
His hands flickered over the piano in the last delicious combinations of tones and then slowed reluctantly to a halt.
It happens to be a delicious combination; it's also a visual joke.