Deep down inside her there was a residue of still delicious tangible pleasure.
The machine cannot gloat, and what's winning without that delicious pleasure.
Each time he saw her, he had the delicious pleasure of rediscovering her all over again.
And some middle-class people take a delicious pleasure in telling working-class people what they should think, feel, and say.
Unless she was drunk, when her mouth curled around the delicious pleasure of The Beloved.
His mind was full of delicious pleasure which throbbed outward from his head and seemed to pulse down through his nerves.
More satisfying still to the hunger of his heart as a man was his delicious pleasure in Naomi's new-found life.
He had the delicious pleasure of seeing them jump on the escalator, whose terrific acceleration seemed even more marked and more admirable than before.
With delicious pleasure she sank her hands into his hair.