Spicy, warm, sloppy to eat - the delicious result of the finest culinary training.
Fattening chickens with bread soaked in milk was thought to give especially delicious results.
Mustard, thinned with water, also yielded delicious results.
All require slightly different treatments and timing, but all deliver delicious results.
As a variation, I recently used the same sauce with grilled lobster, with delicious results.
It's a visually striking yet puzzling dish that requires some disassembling, but the delicious result is well worth it.
Sometimes pine kernels are sugar-coated, too, and the delicious result is called pinyonets.
Instead he seemed inclined to linger and savor, all with delicious results.
Greek cuisine is a modest thing, fresh ingredients simply prepared with delicious results.
Here are some easy recipes combining Campbell's soup and simple ingredients - with delicious results.