One dinner yielded two delicious salads as starters.
I had a delicious salad of mashed fava beans and shrimp in a smothering sauce.
Always in fridge: My wife always, always has a salad spinner half full of delicious salad.
For vegetarians, this makes a delicious main-dish salad without the chicken and with vegetable stock in place of chicken stock.
Except for the onion, this delicious salad has practically no carbs.
With the addition of herbs, onions and other vegetables - and a little dressing - they can be turned into delicious salads.
A delicious salad of crisp and varied greens was served gratis before each entree.
You can even sow sorrel and chicory (both delicious, perennial salad leaves) in the space between rows.
For a fresh, delicious salad, go with in-season ingredients.
A particularly simple and delicious salad that goes with grilled lamb chops is not made from greens, but from barley.