Without another glance at Angela's pretty pink quim and deliciously smooth inner thighs, he shouted 'Console,' and waited as the machine hummed and swung towards him.
The engine is deliciously smooth, with just enough vibration to let you know it's busy.
His disheveled hair partially veiled his face, and his skin appeared deliciously smooth to her.
Vulkan bellowed too, but his cry was one of pure ecstasy as he slammed himself in and out of the queen's deliciously smooth back passage.
A similar foamy sauce, this time based on asparagus, surrounded fillets of whiting, briefly smoked before pan-cooking, on a bed of deliciously smooth potato puree enriched with olive oil.
Spots of pink appeared upon Camilla's deliciously smooth cheeks, her eyes flashed.
When long-cooked, garlic is mild and sweet, not aggressive; even those who are put off by raw garlic's strong taste will find this broth deliciously smooth.
Thin books, in themselves, at first, but many of them, and with deliciously smooth covers of bright red or green.
For starters, the pepe (fish soup) is deliciously smooth and highly spiced.
Sweet parsnips and tangy cooking apples combine perfectly in this deliciously smooth soup.