Seconds later, the door opened, releasing a cloud of deliciously warm air.
All in all, it was a deliciously warm room, rich and luxurious.
You think of following, but it is deliciously warm in the March sunshine and you are feeling relaxed to be away from the city.
They bathed, and then lay either in the deliciously warm pools, or on the hot sand.
A pair of braziers made the tent deliciously warm after outside, and they gave off very little smoke.
The cold moved over him like a tight garment, yet inside he was deliciously warm.
A body deliciously warm and buoyant pressed itself against him.
In spite of the broken window the room was deliciously warm.
A bracelet, with beads or stones, deliciously warm from being in John's pocket.
And he'd swear he heard the deliciously warm sound of her laughter as she sped off.