The nieve (ice cream), sold in shops on the plaza, is a delightful treat.
For children 8 and older, the ones who read independently but still like lots of illustrations, this is a delightful treat.
With a little advance planning, you can transform an otherwise tiring day into a delightful treat.
When all four of a row, the Major rubs his hands and whispers me with what little hoarseness he can get together, "If our dear remarkable boy was only at home what a delightful treat this would be for him!"
Scallops and onions make a delightful warm-weather treat.
This is a delightful treat!
For a far simpler but still delightful treat, visit Solbackens Cafe & Waffelbruk (431-702-00) on Italienskavagen, just outside Bastad.
Rolling Stone called the film "a perverse and sickly delightful treat," while Richard Roeper stated that he "hated this movie."
The attitude of her whole being was peace and repose, as if this moment alone were a delightful treat.
If there are pine siskins in the area, they will find them; peanuts are a delightful treat, too.