"delikatny" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "delikatny" in Polish


  1. fine ****
  2. subtle ** , also: subtile old use
    • subtelny, delikatny (trudny do uchwycenia lub zrozumienia)
      He didn't understand the subtle irony in her voice.
      There is a subtle difference between these two dresses.
      He ignored my subtle suggestion to go out.
    • subtelny, delikatny (zachowujący się w delikatny i niebezpośredni sposób)
      You haven't been exactly subtle.
      There is such a thing as being subtle, you know.
      link synonym: gentle
  3. delicate **
    • delikatny (np. sprawa)
      His divorce is a delicate matter.
      The subject of our talk was very delicate.
      We're dealing with a very delicate situation here.
      link synonym: tricky
      consulta también: fine
    • delikatny, wrażliwy
      Sometimes you're too delicate about things.
      He's more delicate than the others.
      I have a very delicate stomach.
    • delikatny, kruchy (np. porcelana)
      Be careful, this china is very delicate.
      I told you that the vase was delicate. You broke it!
      link synonym: fragile
    • delikatny (o częściach ciała)
      He shook her delicate hand.
      The baby's legs and hands are so delicate.
    • delikatny, subtelny (np. haft, zdobienie)
      She wore a blouse with a delicate flower embellishment.
      I love this delicate pattern on the chairs.
    • delikatny, subtelny (np. zapach)
      The living room was filled with a delicate fragrance of flowers.
      This cake has such a delicate flavour.
  4. gentle **
    • delikatny, łagodny, subtelny
      You have to be gentle.
      Her voice became gentle.
      link synonym: subtle
    • delikatny
      Watch out, it's a gentle fabric.
      I miss your gentle touch.
      The flowers were moving in a gentle wind.
  5. soft ***
    • cichy, delikatny (np. głos)
      Your voice is so soft I can barely hear you.
      Her voice is so soft, is she sick?
    • łagodny, delikatny (np. zasady, podejście)
      Your attitude is too soft, they won't respect you.
      You are too soft to our children.
      consulta también: mild
  6. mild **
    • łagodny, delikatny (np. o smaku, zapachu, detergencie)
      I like this mild taste of lemon in your cake.
      Italian coffee has a mild flavour.
      opposites: harsh, strong
  7. fragile , **  
    link synonyms: delicate, tender
  8. tender **
    • wrażliwy, delikatny
      She has a tender soul.
      He's so tender and romantic.
      I was a tender child.
      link synonym: fragile
  9. light ***** , also: licht ScoE dialect
    • delikatny, łagodny
      This meat has a very light taste.
      I like that light smell of your perfume.
  10. fond *
  11. tricky *
    • delikatny (np. sprawa)
      Discussions about religion always constitute a tricky matter.
  12. frail
    • kruchy, delikatny
      Their hope for the better future is frail.
      This china is very frail, be careful.
  13. dainty
    • misterny (np. o biżuterii), delikatny (np. o rysach), kruchy (np. o porcelanie)
  14. refined *
  15. touchy
    • delikatny (np. temat, sytuacja)
      It is a touchy subject for her, let's better leave it alone.
  16. imperceptible
    • delikatny, stopniowy (np. o zmianie)
      His character's change was imperceptible.
  17. squeamish
  18. tenuous
  19. queasy , queazy
  20. silken
  21. thin-skinned
  22. ticklish
  23. elfin
    • delikatny, zwiewny (np. twarz, wygląd)
  24. incony
  25. regardful
  26. pigeon-livered
  27. fine-spun
  28. hooly , also: huly
  29. mignon
  30. wankle BrE dialect , wantle BrE dialect
  31. jimp ScoE
  1. weak as a kitten

Related phrases — "delikatny"

całować (dawać komuś delikatny i krótki pocałunek) = peck
pieścić (dotykać w delikatny, romantyczny sposób, np. promienie słońca dotykające czyjejś twarzy) = caress
delikatnie = gently +13 significados
delikatność = sensitivity +20 significados
chlupot (delikatny, np. fal o skały) = lap
całowanie (dawanie komuś delikatny i krótki pocałunek) = pecking