Walton knocked the loose ball away and ripped off his drenched jersey, and hurled it into the delirious crowd.
When the Americans finally came home on Nov. 20, they won a thrilling overtime game against Seattle before a delirious, sellout crowd.
But delirious crowds had welcomed Chamberlain back from Munich, applauding rapturously when he waved his piece of paper and promised them "peace in our time."
Welcomed back by "a delirious crowd", he also took part in successfully defending the anti-conservative poet Alexandru Macedonski, who faced similar accusations.
Footage showed the former dictator - face half-covered in blood, being dragged towards a vehicle by a delirious crowd.
Edberg had nothing to offer as Becker took the second set triumphantly in just 27 minutes to a great roar from the delirious crowd.
With the lead insurmountable, the delirious crowd sent the Oilers back to North Carolina with chants of "We want the Cup!"
In seven days, he has encountered delirious crowds from Maine to South Carolina, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and attracted nonstop news coverage.
Or the normally placid David Duval pumping his fist, holding his hand to his ear, urging the already delirious crowd to cheer louder?
From the balcony of the old Town Hall, he told a delirious crowd, "Providence has summoned me from this city to the leadership of the Reich."