From his angle of observation, Mullon saw the rest as though in a delirious dream.
At first, Aziz was convinced that Marha and the others were only a delirious dream.
I am in the dream again, the painful, delirious, pleasurable, maddening dream of beyond the boundary.
Everything about the Home was suddenly so dear that it seemed a delirious dream that death was less than a week away for it.
Full consciousness returned very slowly, and at no time could I tell just where delirious dream left off and true memory began.
The story is presented as a delirious dream Poe has while in the hospital.
This is the vision of a delirious and distempered dream, which passes away at the cold clear light of morning.
Tad woke with a start, came back from some strange delirious dream, the details of which evaporated even a he tried to remember them.
Transhumanism and Kurzweil's Singularity are just delirious dreams, and on no serious scientist's agenda.
By the way re "Transhumanism and Kurzweil's Singularity are just delirious dreams."