In her delirious state, Clara goes down to the living room and stares at the grandfather clock.
In a delirious state, and missing half his intestines, he gave forth this prophecy.
Failure of apperception is seen in delirious states.
Icarium almost destroyed the Azath and his efforts left him in a delirious state.
Franz wanders the streets in a delirious state; outside a church he takes a coal delivery man for a pastor.
The pain, and fear that she might never awaken if she fell asleep, kept her in a delirious state of insomnia for 32 days.
It is sort of a delirious state of euphoria that nothing else can compare with.
Archer is brought out of his delirious state before he can see the man's face.
He spends the entire evening stumbling around Paris in a delirious state.
The novel starts with Mark in a delirious, dream-like state due to the fact that he suffers from a deadly fever.