President Barack Obama said on Monday the US wanted the surveillance aircraft back and has delivered a formal request for its return, though Iran is not expected to comply.
A man from the ship was taken on board a British vessel to deliver a request from Kuan that hostilities be suspended for three days to contact Qishan.
On 13 December, American President Barack Obama stated in a press conference that his administration has delivered a formal request to Iran to return the captured RQ-170.
While delivering a request to Colonel Adachi, Saigo overhears the Colonel pleading with Kuribayashi for permission to lead his men in a banzai charge.
The cheerful young man was delivering a request for a chambermaid to the agency where Eve had just concluded another fruitless interview.
Lars complied before the Elder could blurt out a protest and Killashandra settled herself, smiling as warmly as possible at Ampris, just as if she hadn't delivered a most unpalatable request.
Fearing Galante wanted him dead for insubordination, Massino delivered a request to the Commission, the governing body of the American Mafia, on Rastelli's behalf to have Galante killed.
They "delivered a formal request to Panama for extradition of the Shah", which was "a pretext to cover secret negotiations to free the American hostages".
The migrant workers took to the streets peacefully, marching through Rosarno to deliver a request to the prefectoral commissioner at the town hall for more humane treatment.
On Wednesday, immigration officials delivered a written request to the university seeking information about the locations and studies of 40 students from Arab nations, a request that the university intends to honor.