Kaushik has delivered keynotes at conferences such as The Art of Marketing, eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, CMA Next, and JMP Innovators Summit.
Regularly, Sony Computer Entertainment, Microsoft and Nintendo deliver keynotes at the conference showcasing upcoming products and technologies.
Budnick has gone to on to deliver keynotes about the subject at numerous industry events, including: the Ticket Summit, the International Ticketing Association Conference (INTIX), the IAVM Arena Management Conference and the International Music Festival Conference.
In addition to writing books, Hateley also conducts seminars and delivers keynotes at conferences and professional meetings across the country.
He delivers keynotes and seminars at international events, and his work has been featured in major publications, including Business Week,Fortune, and The Wall Street Journal (Morville, Ambient Findability).
He delivers magic-enhanced keynotes on memory improvement, change management, and creative problem solving.
Her work has been featured on C-SPAN and National Public Radio, and she has delivered keynotes and presentations in the United States and around the world.
He has delivered keynotes and taught workshops around the globe on various topics related to data breach investigation, digital forensics and cyber security.
Fayyad is an active speaker in both academic and business meetings, and regularly delivers keynotes on BigData, Predictive Analytics, Data Mining, Monetization Strategies, and Early-Stage Investment and Acceleration strategies for technology startups.