The effectiveness of the feeder system - can these deliver people to stations at the required speed.
The film shows episodes from his life in the industrial wasteland, delivering people from one place to another.
Visiting spacecraft can deliver people and cargo to and from to the space station.
But oddly enough, with all the technology, what is most important is that they deliver real people as opponents.
He also ordered the cities under his control to deliver old people and children to his camps to be consumed.
That means delivering content people like that want to read.
"The mail is contracted out now," explains John, "so these days we deliver people instead of parcels."
Started around the turn of the century, the group first developed the railroad in the Tokyo region, then built places to deliver people to, including stores.
This will deliver people out of poverty and out of misery.
The tactical answer is demography - the capacity to deliver Texas, or young people or women.