"Staying the course on the president's policies has failed to deliver greater prosperity and economic security for most families."
He said he had faith that the Islamists would continue to deliver peace - and prosperity.
The voters judged that they were trustworthy to deliver the proverbial peace and prosperity.
Sustained economic growth is an urgent political requirement for the leadership, whose legitimacy flows from the ability to deliver prosperity to the masses.
Initially globalization was expected to spread the zone of peace by delivering economic prosperity which people would not want to sacrifice in conflicts.
Growth delivers stability and prosperity, and keeps the party in power.
But the moment they stopped delivering prosperity, interests diverged.
It has delivered peace and prosperity for half the continent for half the century.
The founding fathers dreamt also of a Europe in which ever-closer cooperation would deliver greater security and prosperity for its people.
The state is seen as corrupt and callous, incapable of delivering justice or prosperity to the people.