The boats were primarily delivered to UK, Canadian and US destinations.
It is primarily delivered through online distance learning with two weekend policy workshops.
It is delivered primarily in the family home, caregiver's home or a site preferred by the family.
The largest one of these was the Paulinerkirche, so most of these masses were delivered primarily here.
It is primarily delivered through schools to maximise the positive impact that ICAS can deliver to improved student learning outcomes.
Cargo (physical goods) are primarily delivered via roads and railroads on land, shipping lanes on the sea and airline networks in the air.
Internally, brand language is delivered primarily through internal presentations, staff conferences and through intranet sites.
These programs are delivered primarily by states through the One-Stop Career Center System.
Blows were primarily delivered downwards either directly or at angles.
Plot elements are delivered primarily through a storybook interface (text and illustrations) shown before each level.