Its lawyers just don't want to allow the precedent to be set that cable providers can own this particular delivery format.
Degree options are in combination of specializations, intakes and delivery formats.
Obsolescence of single delivery format is unlikely as both print and online serve different purposes and audiences.
Courses are presented in a variety of formats for adult learners - online, on-site or blended delivery formats.
"The system is really designed to protect a delivery format but incidentally protects copyright," he said.
As of 2011, there are 68 programs offered in a variety of delivery formats, including full time, part-time, online and distance.
File based delivery is likely to be the preferred delivery format for these broadcasters from 2014.
"Within a few years after the end of this decade, e-books will be the preponderant delivery format for book content."
In 2005, the delivery format was changed to a podcast.
In addition to its publications, the Project runs several free e-services available in a number of delivery formats: