If the bowler throws the ball towards the striker's wicket before entering the "delivery stride".
Leaning backwards slightly when entering the delivery stride may also help in generating pace and revolutions on the ball.
Was always being told off when whipping the bails off on my delivery stride at school.
He was a muscular bowler, running in energetically from 25 yards, with a convulsive delivery stride.
Perfect balance in the leap before the delivery stride.
Having planted his back leg in the delivery stride, he varies the moment at which his arm comes over to release the ball.
To avoid a no ball, some part of the bowler's back foot in the delivery stride must land within and not touch the return crease.
He bowled off a much shorter run than Richardson and tended to come down very heavily in his delivery stride.
As a bowler enters his delivery stride, the non-striking batsman usually 'backs up'.
In addition, his foot drag during the delivery stride led to speculation about the legality of his bowling action.