The facility hosts 319 beds in total, and is the nation's busiest delivery unit in the nation, giving birth to more than 17,000 babies annually.
His one true regret was that the delivery units he had sold the Thaitifa were the only ones he'd had on hand.
Call your doctor now or go to your hospital's labor and delivery unit immediately if you:
Tucson's Kino Community Hospital named their labor and delivery unit after her.
The most advanced systems are controlled by an electronic progressive delivery unit that allows a single kit to perform better than multiple kits can.
This often uses a standard scuba second stage as the delivery unit, but is also used with light full-face masks.
Last fall, postal inspectors audited 240 delivery units nationwide.
The last three characters denote a local delivery unit (LDU).
At that point, the delivery units dissolve, releasing their load.
After interning in the delivery unit at the medical center, he decided that he would like to work there.