In the Afrikaans-language schools, however, many principals who had previously accepted only token blacks found scores and hundreds demanding admission.
Armies were ordered to fire upon mobs demanding admission to the new United States.
Talleyrand promptly became the champion of the small countries and demanded admission into the ranks of the decision-making process.
In 2006 he was the victim of an assault by a student union leader demanding admission.
Miller was arguing with a man in a cap, demanding admission, by the look of it.
Half a dozen spacesuited men sprang from it and by nearbeam demanded admission to the police van.
At the time of his final illness, he staged a sit-in at the hospital to demand admission.
Beginning in the 1950s, this restriction created much controversy as women demanded admission.
Presently came the Governor, and demanded admission.
However Onot as the chief physicist of his race had the authority to demand admission anywhere.