By then the demand for turf dwindled and Zamarstyniv's residents became impoverished.
So just what does a developer do when demand for new construction dwindles?
But when global demand for those types of heavy products dwindled in the 1970's, they were summarily abandoned.
Most of these trappers and traders left the area after European demand for furs dwindled around 1840.
But the demand for sheet music in New York City has dwindled for a variety of reasons.
As the growth in stores has slowed, the demand for "library" material has dwindled.
Since the demand for building materials dwindled, the company began to look for new products.
But as the demand for skilled pop instrumentalists dwindles, where will all those Berklee grads find work?
As demand dwindled, premiums turned to discounts on the funds.
Around 1900, the demand for sandstone dwindled as brick and cement replaced stone in new construction.