The demand for services, however, has far outpaced the city's most careful projections.
She said that while some companies were trying to hire people off welfare, the demand for jobs far outpaced the supply.
When demand outpaced supply there was a switch to cocaine.
However, others suggest that China has enough coal to sustain its economic growth for a century or more even though demand is currently outpacing production.
A persistent problem, he noted, is that demand outpaces supply.
We also end up with increasing rents as demand outpaces supply.
And that depends, in turn, on whether demand outpaces supply.
Although more colleges and businesses offer training programs now, the demand far outpaces the supply.
Representatives of the power providers did not explain the increase other than to say that demand was outpacing supply.
Nonetheless, demands for funds have long outpaced the Commission's ability to raise them.