Orders from other market segments remained firm with demand patterns clear for more than two years, he said.
The second study will look at how national demand patterns for energy- intensive goods vary depending whether the country is poor or rich.
"We have with the drug industry a very high-quality demand pattern," he said.
For the last few months, retail car dealers have said they have not been able to discern a demand pattern.
Therefore, based on demand patterns, the Mint must make additional coins to keep the same number in circulation.
Well, you're right, although demand patterns have a way of changing.
It will be necessary to determine in detail what are the constituents of this demand pattern.
How do they affect demand patterns in industrial goods markets?
This model responds to the fact that as populations move from home to work and back, geographic demand patterns vary.
The power utilities are able to predict to a reasonable accuracy (generally to within one or two percent) the demand pattern throughout any particular day.