The demands placed on students to learn and operate the application, whilst working within a virtual world has been very ineffective.
Mr. Tuckwell, of course, has largely himself to blame for whatever unrealistic demands contemporary listeners place on horn players.
Printing the page, via different browsers and different printers onto various paper sizes, around the world, places other demands.
By 1916 the demand for aero-engines was placing huge demands on the manufacturing industry.
One can legitimately "cap" the demands placed on him by the objective reasons of others.
The more successful you are, the greater the demands placed on your business will be.
That the demands placed upon it by the Thallonians themselves should not have been sufficient to deplete it.
This increased demand is placing new threats on the quality and quantity of freshwater resources.
However, his dominating personality and demands for full commitment have placed a strain on Mayday's personal and social life.
The national grid today has ageing infrastructure and increasing demand is placing significant loads on some parts of the network.