Until dawn, she kept demanding reassurance.
Sober Winnie was an emotional leech, demanding affection and reassurance, bullying them with her limitless neediness, crying piteously when she didn't get her own way.
They tend to demand reassurance in an aggressive way, demand their partner's attachment and tend to use blame strategies (including emotional blackmail) in order to engage their partner.
The coalition government's problems mounted further yesterday as Liberal Democrats and Tories demanded immediate reassurance that alternative arrangements would be drawn up to help those schools most desperately in need of renovation.
The horses skittered sideways intermittently, demanding attention and reassurance as the ground rumbled, as irregular screaming bursts of steam perforated the rising hills less than two kays to the north.
Concerned that Milos might feel driven to demand reassurance by issuing a Joshua order in the Bill's hearing, Angus growled sourly, 'It's like living beside a bugger.
From wherever on Earth the broadcasts came they were all the same: hysteria, everyone startled and frightened, everyone demanding reassurance and action.
But despite this weekend's puff of smoke from the Treasury the unions will demand stronger reassurance that the negotiations are still "live" and explicit confirmation that Alexander intervened prematurely.
But Alex demanded verbal reassurance over and over and over again.
Beauty met her at the entrance, demanding caresses and reassurance.