Although domestic demand has recovered recently, Mr. Wheeler says it is time to explore distant horizons.
So expect solar cells to be scarce when demand recovers.
The dollar could weaken, or global demand could recover; either would drive up the prices we pay for imported goods.
About 70 jobs have already been created, with the potential for 80 more once demand recovers and output reaches its full 1,500-bus capacity.
The consumer panic eventually ended, and demand recovered.
Economists and automotive analysts have been disappointed that automotive demand during the last few months has not recovered as strongly as hoped.
But as demand recovers, firms will have no need to hire more staff; they will simply make their existing workforce do more.
In any case, the lag in response to monetary stimulation is long: its full impact might not be felt for a year, after demand had already recovered.
We see that, in Europe today, demand is recovering on a healthy basis, which ought to stimulate investment.
As demand recovers, New Jersey is likely to again take a leading role.