Sigmund was not at all keen on this, but desperate predicaments demanded desperate remedies; so he went.
They urged the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to investigate further, hoping it would demand refunds or other remedies.
The common impulse is to demand remedies from City Hall.
They urged the agency to dig deeper, hoping it would demand more refunds or other stiff remedies.
The renaissance itself was driven by largely ordinary German patients, many of whom deeply distrusted synthetic drugs and demanded "natural" remedies.
Under ordinary circumstances it would hardly be justified; but severe diseases demand severe remedies.
A disgusted and increasingly cynical public demanded remedies.
The question is whether it is being unfair to Microsoft, stifling innovation or demanding "remedies" that create more problems than they solve.
If state and federal officials demand different remedies, the case could be tied up in legal tangles for years.
With the collapse of Communism, demagogues now demand instant remedies to history's complex injustices.