Germany also claims a legal basis for demanding restitution - a 1907 international convention and a bilateral cultural agreement signed in 1992.
He demanded restitution from the ministers who had abused the confidence of his predecessor.
Easy to identify, and easier for you to demand restitution.
He might demand restitution, since they have one of his men.
But the judge offered a plea deal demanding full restitution.
I'm sure he won't demonstrate much inertia in demanding restitution.
Encamping in the Vega, he sent a herald to demand restitution of his daughter.
They were looted in the 19th century, prompting China to demand restitution.
You robbed my uncle, and I'm here to demand restitution!
The federal government demanded restitution from the state, because Federal aid to the city had passed through the state's hands.