He said, "I believe that Congress on a bipartisan basis is going to continue to demand accountability, oversight and legally established safeguards."
A Senate panel sharply criticized the C.I.A. for lax oversight and demanded new safeguards, which the administration says it is putting in place.
Instead they demanded special study guides and safeguards for their preferred beliefs.
The growing foreign role diminishes the ability of the F.B.I. to demand new safeguards or ways to penetrate the communications of criminals who use encryption.
- Alexander said Britain should use the limited treaty change being demanded by the Germans now to demand safeguards for countries that are not in the euro.
The World Bank, which is holding up a vital $500 million loan for the energy sector, is demanding environmental safeguards and less waste.
As a response, liberals began demanding proper safeguards to thwart majorities in their attempts at suppressing the rights of minorities.
The constitutionalists forces eventually took sanctuary in Parliament to demand constitutionally entrenched rights and safeguards.
Britain's state-owned railroads and coal mines were shut down by workers demanding safeguards against layoffs.
Few hospitals have instituted computer security systems, Dr. Safran said, and even medical centers in the midst of computerizing are not demanding safeguards.