Meanwhile, several other Nasserite and pro-Egyptian factions worked in opposition to the "separatist" government and demanded renewed union with Egypt.
Instead, most observers on the ground believe that, after the September general elections, the Croats will demand union with Croatia proper.
Those in charge merely demand "ever closer union", which means ever more power over subordinate democracy.
The rebels demanded union with Greece.
Meanwhile, employers began to demand more subtle and sophisticated union busting tactics, and so the field called "preventive labor relations" was born.
In February 1854 he became the leader of the Epirus revolt, with the revolutionaries demanding union with Greece.
Since 1947, Muslim militants have been demanding independence and union with Islamic Pakistan, which already holds sway over part of Kashmir.
Extremist militia of Muslim activists who demand union with Pakistan are very active here.
Italian patriots seized control, demanding union with the Kingdom of Sardinia.
Since 1947, Muslim militants have been demanding independence or union with Islamic Pakistan.